Thursday, November 02, 2006

Hypocrites both parties

What a bunch of hypocrites both parties are concerning the Representative Mark Foley scandal. You mean to tell me that none of the Republicans knew of this mans devious behavior? I find that hard to believe. As for the Democrats the party of liberalism, Hollywood and homosexuality they suddenly come out as holier than though! If this story was as important as they make it out to be why did they wait? And haven't we seen enough of this game when a few weeks before an election some breaking news story is released. Or what about all the negative ads that seemingly contradict one another. Shame on both parties for making a mockery of our government and country.
I realize that politicians are just like us and that it is a microcosm of society where you will find all kinds of behavior good and bad BUT as you climb the ladder of responsibility your actions should be held to a higher standard. When you are elected, as the name implies, you are representing us the people. What might be acceptable behavior for the local bar isn't acceptable for people in leadership positions. In my opinion even a persons past, obviously within reason, is not as much of a concern as how they act now and in the future.
There have always been scandals in our government and stories of infidelity but the moral lapse and unnatural acts occurring in the Republican party is alarming, especially since its suppose to be the party of family values. Looking back we can see where all this started. The liberal homosexual agenda that called anyone not willing to accept their behavior as normal were labeled as homophobes, closed minded and or other venomous tags. Coupled with President Clinton's policy of don't ask don't tell and pushing for the Hate Crimes Bill we have become so overly politically correct we no longer voice our moral convictions in fear of offending, being labeled or have fallen for their lies. Some how the party of the moral conservative right now is home to a far left group like the Log Cabin Republicans. And there is quite a few who call themselves conservatives but are far from the ideology of the party.
So is this just a sign of the times in which we live or are these liberal to moderate Republicans plants to undermine the core principles of the GOP. But there is one other reason why the break down of values in the Republican party and one that seems to have been forgotten and yes you could blame Clinton on this one also. Besides President Reagan being the catalyst for the resurgence of Conservatism it was the scandal ridden era of the Clinton Presidency that led people to vote Republican or run as Republican. Suddenly it was cool to be a Republican American. The doors were swung wide open and the GOP didn't police the party as long as they were gaining the House and Senate.
Ultimately though it is the voting public that should be blamed for not getting involved and finding out who they are voting for. How many times have I heard I wish I had a better choice, but yet these people don't vote in the primaries to elect the best choice. Or how can people complain about a politicians behavior but vote the same person in year after year as is the case with Teddy Kennedy?
But there is one big difference in the parties and that is when a wrong is done, the Republican usually bows out as with Nixon resigning, Newt Gingrich stepping down or Mark Foley quitting, but the Democrats as Clinton has shown won't fess up and will do anything to hold on to their position regardless of what damage it does to the integrity of the office.
Locally here in Lake County there is such a case with Representative Tim Cassel running for reelection against Carol Ann Schindel. Cassell's conviction for a DUI this past spring is not only inappropriate behavior but it violated the trust of the people. He doesn't deserve to be reelected on the other hand we have Carol Ann Schindel who has more than enough credentials to be elected. I just hope that the people do the right thing and tell these scofflaws ENOUGH!
I myself will vote Republican this November because I believe in the core message of Conservatism and believe there is still enough good Republicans that outweigh the bad.

C. K. M.


Anonymous said...

Wow, talk about hypocrites. A DUI is all you have on this local guy. You do know that your party's leader has multiple DUI's. The freaking President whom you seem to love and respect (with good reason) has several. Seriously, I concede your point on many of your other blogs I just read today however, many of us in this state have made mistakes and if I know the man you are speaking of then you are attacking the wrong man. He is a member of the NRA and a donator to the "Right to Life" foundation. The democratic party isn't going anywhere so why don't we celebrate those few democrats who have thier head on straight. The man made a mistake but he honestly holds our values and supports our goals. Meanwhile in my district Greg Schmidt is running against an incompetent moron and he has no help. This Fende woman votes the Democrat line on everything in the house, is pro-choice and refuses to protect marriage. Greg has receieved little to no help from the Republican party and Schindel gets negative ad after negative ad for free! Tell me why my party won't fight for those beliefs I trully believe in.

Carey K. Masci said...

I Believe you have misconstrued my blog.
I was writing about moral misconduct not issues. If I was writing about issues of course I would of included Lorain Fende's stance on important matters that concern us. And though it may of been somewhat of a stretch to include Rep. Cassells conviction in May of this year it still was inappropriate behavior.
Furthermore having met Tim Cassell, which I believe he is a decent guy with good ideas, I thought about whether I should include him in this article or not. But the fact remains he violated our trust with his actions.
Do I have friends who have been drunk? Yes, but they do not represent me. As I wrote in my blog as you climb the ladder of responsibility you should be held to a higher standard. People in leadership positions whether teacher, police, minister, or politician, their actions not only affect us but as the job title Representative implies REPRESENTS the people! Suppose it was an emergency or he was called upon to make an important decision in that condition, could he possibly of performed his duties? Of course not!
I don't care if its dog catcher these people need to be held accountable for their actions.
You also wrote about the President's past DUI convictions. If you read my blog carefully you would see that I wrote "In my opinion even a persons past, obviously within reason, is not as much of a concern as how they act now and in the future". Has President Bush received any DUI's while in office? None to my knowledge. With Clinton he was unfaithful while governor and also while president. That's my point, how these people act while they are in office.
You have to remember something, OUR vote hires these people to perform a job for us, OUR taxes pay their salary. Isn't it time we start to hold them responsible for their actions?
I think so.
ps: why didn't you sign your name to what you wrote? hmmmmm!