Friday, May 09, 2008

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Slick Willy, Slippery Hillary and Spitzer

hAnother one bites the dust! Can anyone tell me what is going on with our elected officials?
The latest is Governor Spitzer and the alleged prostitution ring. But does it really surprise you? This man is a strong ally and Super Delegate for Hillary Clinton.
Isn't it amazing the uncanny similarities between the Clinton's and Spitzer? Besides the obvious connection of Hillary's husband Slick and all the trouble he caused with his more than one sex scandal and Spitzer's current sexcapade, both are pro abortion, both are for same sex benefits and both have tried to smear and slander their opponents. Hillary Clinton also sided with Governor Spitzers on his plan for licenses for illegals. But in typical Clinton fashion when it caused such a flap she had to back pedal and say I am not really for it - I was just supporting the Governor. Oh that's good!
What a trio, Slick Willy, Slippery Hillary and Spitzer. Only comic books could come up with stuff this good. I'm just waiting for the good guys to appear on the scene. The trouble is they won't, not until the voters educate themselves and elect honorable people.


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Clinton the Defender of American Jobs

No matter how hard I try to educate people I still get in reply Bush is the cause of all evil.
Doesn't anybody remember the trade deals of the 90's? Of course I realize some of these trade deals had the stamp of approval from both parties, that is not my point, though I am upset. My point is, if Bill Clinton was such a defender of the middle class and so good for America why didn't he at least defend and protect jobs from leaving? Keep in mind he was the one who put NAFTA on fast track and pushed for the Chinese trade agreement.
I am also so tired of hearing this is a globalist economy and globalism is good. WHAT? Let me explain globalism in very simple terms. We export our auto jobs to countries like Mexico to save on labor costs. Then in turn we try to woo back those jobs by going to Japan and pleading please open a Honda plant here we need jobs. I was taught, again in very simple terms, world trade was good for things we need. For instance, we need bananas so we trade with that country and in turn they may need shoes. So we allow those markets to trade. BUT what are we doing by importing made in China crap from everything from lamps to corn? Can't we make our own lamps or grow our own corn? Understand?
Oh well when this country goes belly up you'll understand. And friends its only going to get worse. Chrysler by the year 2009 will be importing Chinese made cars.
Lets all thank both parties but specifically Bill Clinton the defender of American jobs, oh and lets not forget his lovely wife Hillary who has side steped her position on NAFTA every chance she gets.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Clinton for President

For those who forgot what scoundrels the Clinton regime was read this. Its no wonder why we have no jobs left and our dollar has fallen. And even though this is mostly about Bill, Hillary's hands are just as dirty and involved in every one of Bill's scandals and underhanded deals.
Carey K. Masci

As I drink my night tea or morning coffee I will work my memory bank to remember all the other scandals and research them as they come to me, its a long list that almost has no end!

A Chinese Naval Base -- at Long Beach by Patrick J. Buchanan March 13, 1997
And last year, Johnny Chung, who gave $366,000 to the Democratic National Committee, showed up for a Clinton radio broadcast at the White House, with six Chinese in tow, including an adviser of Cosco. The president begged off being photographed with his guests, which raises a question: If Bill Clinton is leery of being seen with these characters, why is he giving them a Long Beach naval base?...

From Wikpedia
Clinton made it one of his goals as president to pass trade legislation that lowered the barriers to trade with other nations. He broke with many of his supporters, including labor unions, and those in his own party to support free-trade legislation.[36] Opponents argued that lowering tariffs and relaxing rules on imports would cost American jobs because people would buy cheaper products from other countries. Clinton countered that free trade would help America because it would allow the U.S. to boost its exports and grow the economy. Clinton also believed that free trade could help move foreign nations to economic and political reform.

Dece 30, 2001 Rome Treaty
Overturning Clinton's Midnight Action on the International Criminal Court

Investigating The President - CNN

Selling of the Lincoln Bedroom
AllPolitics - Bedroom Bucks - Feb. 26, 1997

AllPolitics - Buddhist Nuns Admit Destroying Documents - Sep. 4, 1997

AllPolitics - Travelgate Report OK'd - Sept. 18, 1996

Also do your own research on the death of Vince Foster, the Clinton's stealing items while leaving the White House, Jennifer Flowers, Whitewater, there is more! Boy don't you just get a warm and fuzzy feeling all over again thinking of the Clinton's returning to the Whitehouse?