Thursday, March 09, 2006

Radical Islam

Here's my take on a few major issues facing theUS and the world. Radical Islam
Did anyone see the news clip of the Palestinians dragging and burning the flag of Denmark? Where did they get a flag of that country?
In the US where there are many nationalities living you can find flags from different countries. I know where I can easily get my hands on an Italian flag, Cleveland has many Italian neighborhoods, same with the Irish flag, there are bars and gift shops that cater to the Irish, just as easily obtainable is theMexican and Canadian flag to name a few more and there is others. BUT where would I start my search to find one of Denmark? Even in the good ole US and living near a major city I would be stumped. So how did the poverty stricken people of Palestine get them?
Obviously this fervor and riots are being fueled bythe leadership or outside sources. But whom? Whoever it is though one fact remains, these riots should dispel any argument against stopping radical Islam because anyone who opposes or doesn't believe like them is a infidel and needs to be eliminated.
One more thought
Where is the Liberal & Hollywood crowds support and defense of Denmark's right to freedom of the press and speech for printing that cartoon? And where is their outcry against radical Islam? Seems like those groups only speak out when a Conservative says something they don't believe in.
Weapons of mass destruction
Do we really know if Iraq had WMD's? All we haveto go to on is what the media says and writes. But being an arm chair politician it seems clear to me that they did and the weapons and/or technology is safely out of the country long ago.
There is an old saying an enemy of my enemy is my friend? Well it wouldn't surprise me with all the delays President Bush was hampered with that it gave Iraq the time to send those weapons to Syria or even Iran. Furthermore, it seems most of the insurgence in Iraq has to come from outside the country. Iran knows the more they cause havoc and unrest in Iraq, the more time it gives them to develop nukes and also less chance of President Bush being in office to go after them.
Just my theory but it makes sense.

The Holocaust didn't happen?
There is always some nut case trying to say the Holocaust didn't happen, usually from a Neo-Nazigroup. Now Iran's leader is saying it and that allvJews should be sent back to Europe.
If that kind of talk doesn't infuriate you and makeyou want to back what President Bush is trying to accomplish then you really are clueless as to what is at stake and the consequences if we withdraw from that region.
Even more alarming than those words is Iran pursuing nuclear power. All of America better wakeup, show unity and support the war effort before things escalate even further.

Carey K. Masci

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