Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Thoughts on the State of the Union Address...

For a person who is suppose to stumble on words and not be able to deliver a speech properly I thought President Bush did an admirable job of relaying his message. Unlike Clinton, whom when ever he spoke you never knew if he was lying or trying to cover up another scandal, this president is very believable and isn't afraid to say what he is thinking. Just as in a previous State of the Union Address when he came right out and named Korea, Iraq, and Iran as the Axis of Evil, President Bush once again defined our battle against terrorism and gave certain rogue nations and terrorists a stern warning. He also said "...we will never surrender to evil" which is really what this war is all about, radical Islam and terrorism. Whether you agree with this war or not President Bush is doing the right thing. For YEARS there has been trouble in the middle east and recently is has spread to our shores. Establishing democracy in Iraq and hoping that they make the right choices is the best chance for peace in the region and ultimately the world.

He also talked about other issues but the other one that caught my attention is when he spoke about the Advanced Energy Initiative which debunks the theory from the far left that Republicans are anti-environment. So much for that theory.

In summary excellent speech one that made me feel proud to be an American!

As for the rebuttal by Tim Kaine Democrat Governor of Virginia it was ridiculous. I came away watching it shaking my head. How many times did he say "there is a better way"? What way? It is so reminiscent of John Kerry's "I have a plan". Really? What? It seems when the opposition has little substance they throw out a phrase or word that they keep repeating in hopes of it eventually getting in you psyche. I am sure that there is people who listened intently to this rebuttal and if asked what they think of the job President Bush is doing, they will reply "there is a better way". You have to guard yourself against empty rhetoric.

Lastly, old news but....

Hats off to Canada for electing a conservative government. Our Northern Neighbors have also woken up to the nonsense of the liberals.

Congratulations on the victory!

God Bless America and May the Conservative Movement Continue Onward

Submitted by: Carey Masci

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