Thursday, November 03, 2005

What Reform Ohio Now Really Thinks About All of You...

At least Ohio First has a television commercial that tells the truth and makes sense. It just goes to show that Reform Ohio Now thinks that Ohioans are a bunch of hayseeds. A goat as their spokesperson - what an insult.

These left-wingers have insulted me and the rest of the citizens of this great state. To think that we are too stupid to know what is best for us is the last straw. They want us to give up our rights so they can draw their own legislative districts, get rid of the secretary of state position, and appoint their friends to taxpayer-funded boards. Have we not seen what is going on at the Bureau of Workers' Compensation? Two more unaccountable boards in government are not what Ohio needs.

I encourage all voters to go to and see for yourself what is really at stake here. The truth is there in writing, and I am confident that most Ohioans will join me and vote "no" on Issues 2, 3, 4 and 5 on Election Day.

1 comment:

DN said...

I'm sure Ohio voters really consider who is on the reapportionment board when they are voting. In 2002, how many people voted for Governor, Auditor, and Secretary of State based on the job they did on the reapportionment board? Zero!

And I too am offended by that old goat Bob Taft, but personally, I couldn't think of a better spokesman to demonstrate the importance of passing Issues 2-5.

I also love how you justify opposing the reform of one-party rule in state government by pointing to scandals spawned by the corruption in your own party.