And yet another sad story of how America is marching down the path of doom and communism.
This was taken from a Yahoo news story, it is abbreviated:
ST. ALBANS, W.Va. - Christ is missing from Christmas in this small town. The community's holiday display has a manger with shepherds, a guiding star, camels and a palm tree, but no baby Jesus, Mary or Joseph
Besides the obvious reason why the story is unsettling what I find completely ironic is that the towns name is SAINT Albans. Are we now close to having the ACLU, the Communist-Democrats, Liberal-Homosexual movement start renaming our towns and cities by removing words such as Saint? Why do you laugh? If they can remove Christ and the freedom of religious expression which this country's foundations were based on, Judeo-Christian principles, anything is possible.
Upon further research I found out who St. Alban was. The below paragraph was taken from:
Alban is the earliest Christian in Britain who is known by name and, according to tradition, the first British martyr. He was a soldier in the Roman army stationed at Verulamium, a city about twenty miles northeast of London, now called St. Albans. He gave shelter to a Christian priest who was fleeing from persecution, and was converted by him. When officers came to Alban's house, he dressed himself in the garments of the priest and gave himself up. Alban was tortured and martyred in place of the priest, on the hilltop where the Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban now stands. The traditional date of his martyrdom is 303 or 304, but recent studies suggest that the year was actually 209, during the persecution under the Emperor Septimius Severus.
Are we close to this kind of martyrdom here? Don't think it can't happen here history always repeats itself. If they removed Christ from the manger they could remove you as they did many years ago to a man named Alban.
Merry Christmas,
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Hypocrites both parties
What a bunch of hypocrites both parties are concerning the Representative Mark Foley scandal. You mean to tell me that none of the Republicans knew of this mans devious behavior? I find that hard to believe. As for the Democrats the party of liberalism, Hollywood and homosexuality they suddenly come out as holier than though! If this story was as important as they make it out to be why did they wait? And haven't we seen enough of this game when a few weeks before an election some breaking news story is released. Or what about all the negative ads that seemingly contradict one another. Shame on both parties for making a mockery of our government and country.
I realize that politicians are just like us and that it is a microcosm of society where you will find all kinds of behavior good and bad BUT as you climb the ladder of responsibility your actions should be held to a higher standard. When you are elected, as the name implies, you are representing us the people. What might be acceptable behavior for the local bar isn't acceptable for people in leadership positions. In my opinion even a persons past, obviously within reason, is not as much of a concern as how they act now and in the future.
There have always been scandals in our government and stories of infidelity but the moral lapse and unnatural acts occurring in the Republican party is alarming, especially since its suppose to be the party of family values. Looking back we can see where all this started. The liberal homosexual agenda that called anyone not willing to accept their behavior as normal were labeled as homophobes, closed minded and or other venomous tags. Coupled with President Clinton's policy of don't ask don't tell and pushing for the Hate Crimes Bill we have become so overly politically correct we no longer voice our moral convictions in fear of offending, being labeled or have fallen for their lies. Some how the party of the moral conservative right now is home to a far left group like the Log Cabin Republicans. And there is quite a few who call themselves conservatives but are far from the ideology of the party.
So is this just a sign of the times in which we live or are these liberal to moderate Republicans plants to undermine the core principles of the GOP. But there is one other reason why the break down of values in the Republican party and one that seems to have been forgotten and yes you could blame Clinton on this one also. Besides President Reagan being the catalyst for the resurgence of Conservatism it was the scandal ridden era of the Clinton Presidency that led people to vote Republican or run as Republican. Suddenly it was cool to be a Republican American. The doors were swung wide open and the GOP didn't police the party as long as they were gaining the House and Senate.
Ultimately though it is the voting public that should be blamed for not getting involved and finding out who they are voting for. How many times have I heard I wish I had a better choice, but yet these people don't vote in the primaries to elect the best choice. Or how can people complain about a politicians behavior but vote the same person in year after year as is the case with Teddy Kennedy?
But there is one big difference in the parties and that is when a wrong is done, the Republican usually bows out as with Nixon resigning, Newt Gingrich stepping down or Mark Foley quitting, but the Democrats as Clinton has shown won't fess up and will do anything to hold on to their position regardless of what damage it does to the integrity of the office.
Locally here in Lake County there is such a case with Representative Tim Cassel running for reelection against Carol Ann Schindel. Cassell's conviction for a DUI this past spring is not only inappropriate behavior but it violated the trust of the people. He doesn't deserve to be reelected on the other hand we have Carol Ann Schindel who has more than enough credentials to be elected. I just hope that the people do the right thing and tell these scofflaws ENOUGH!
I myself will vote Republican this November because I believe in the core message of Conservatism and believe there is still enough good Republicans that outweigh the bad.
C. K. M.
I realize that politicians are just like us and that it is a microcosm of society where you will find all kinds of behavior good and bad BUT as you climb the ladder of responsibility your actions should be held to a higher standard. When you are elected, as the name implies, you are representing us the people. What might be acceptable behavior for the local bar isn't acceptable for people in leadership positions. In my opinion even a persons past, obviously within reason, is not as much of a concern as how they act now and in the future.
There have always been scandals in our government and stories of infidelity but the moral lapse and unnatural acts occurring in the Republican party is alarming, especially since its suppose to be the party of family values. Looking back we can see where all this started. The liberal homosexual agenda that called anyone not willing to accept their behavior as normal were labeled as homophobes, closed minded and or other venomous tags. Coupled with President Clinton's policy of don't ask don't tell and pushing for the Hate Crimes Bill we have become so overly politically correct we no longer voice our moral convictions in fear of offending, being labeled or have fallen for their lies. Some how the party of the moral conservative right now is home to a far left group like the Log Cabin Republicans. And there is quite a few who call themselves conservatives but are far from the ideology of the party.
So is this just a sign of the times in which we live or are these liberal to moderate Republicans plants to undermine the core principles of the GOP. But there is one other reason why the break down of values in the Republican party and one that seems to have been forgotten and yes you could blame Clinton on this one also. Besides President Reagan being the catalyst for the resurgence of Conservatism it was the scandal ridden era of the Clinton Presidency that led people to vote Republican or run as Republican. Suddenly it was cool to be a Republican American. The doors were swung wide open and the GOP didn't police the party as long as they were gaining the House and Senate.
Ultimately though it is the voting public that should be blamed for not getting involved and finding out who they are voting for. How many times have I heard I wish I had a better choice, but yet these people don't vote in the primaries to elect the best choice. Or how can people complain about a politicians behavior but vote the same person in year after year as is the case with Teddy Kennedy?
But there is one big difference in the parties and that is when a wrong is done, the Republican usually bows out as with Nixon resigning, Newt Gingrich stepping down or Mark Foley quitting, but the Democrats as Clinton has shown won't fess up and will do anything to hold on to their position regardless of what damage it does to the integrity of the office.
Locally here in Lake County there is such a case with Representative Tim Cassel running for reelection against Carol Ann Schindel. Cassell's conviction for a DUI this past spring is not only inappropriate behavior but it violated the trust of the people. He doesn't deserve to be reelected on the other hand we have Carol Ann Schindel who has more than enough credentials to be elected. I just hope that the people do the right thing and tell these scofflaws ENOUGH!
I myself will vote Republican this November because I believe in the core message of Conservatism and believe there is still enough good Republicans that outweigh the bad.
C. K. M.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Wrong war - wring time?
Wrong war - wrong time?
Sometimes you need to look at the past to see where your going or how you got to where you're at. Especially when it pertains to America or world events it helps to look back. For that reason I'm always combing history books and old books in general to help understand the present.
As I was reading "Lake County History", the chapter titled Lake County in the Civil War I came across something that really pertained to today. A soldier wrote home thanking the people for the kindness while on leave.... but there was much to give us pain.... he went on to mention Copperheads.
So I researched the term Copperheads to better understand that paragraph.
Copperheads were a faction of Democrats in the North, who nominally favored the Union but strongly opposed the war, demanded immediate peace and resisted the draft laws.
They wanted Lincoln and the Republicans removed and saw the president as a tyrant who was destroying American republican values. It went on and on of acts and demonstrations that demoralized some in the North and encouraged the South.
War is never pretty and something we ALL wish didn't have to take place, sometimes though its the only option. Can you imagine if we appeased these people and listened? America today would be divided!
I didn't need to go that far back though to tie in the current Democrat party as being on the fringe all I had to do was make the connection with the Vietnam war protesters. But I wanted to emphasize how consistently wrong the Liberal Left Democrat party has been for YEARS!
Whether you agree with this war in Iraq or not doesn't matter at this point, what matters is succeeding and getting our troops home. One of the biggest reasons why we didn't win the war in Vietnam was the resistance at home. The enemy knew they would be victorious if they could hold out long enough.
If you think back a few years ago when this conflict started in Iraq things were looking as if it would be an early exit when President Bush declared "mission accomplished". When did all the uprising and insurgency start? It seemed to coincide with Howard Dean saying this war is wrong and then John Kerry picked up the antiwar message with wrong war - wrong time. They knew then as they do now that they can't beat the Republicans on moral or economic issues so they had to find a difference. The antiwar message was it.
Sadly as in Vietnam the violence in Iraq will escalate as long as America is divided. Especially during an election year when one party is campaigning about how wrong the war is and promises to end it now. The insurgents know that with an increase in violence they can possibly change the outcome of an election in their favor. The difference though between Vietnam and Iraq is that in Vietnam only one country fell, but if we fail in Iraq the consequences will be felt globally! The terrorists will have a safe haven and a country to launch new attacks.
Hopefully Americans will realize that protesting and making antiwar a platform to win an election is wrong and costs lives and in this election the American voters will support our troops and effort in Iraq and tell the Democrats - wrong party -wrong time.
C. K. M.
It always amazed me that the liberal left screams antiwar messages and rants on and on about bringing our troops home as if they are so concerned about their welfare, but when the troops arrive home they are either frowned upon or called names, or worse yet, their funerals are interrupted with protests.
Sometimes you need to look at the past to see where your going or how you got to where you're at. Especially when it pertains to America or world events it helps to look back. For that reason I'm always combing history books and old books in general to help understand the present.
As I was reading "Lake County History", the chapter titled Lake County in the Civil War I came across something that really pertained to today. A soldier wrote home thanking the people for the kindness while on leave.... but there was much to give us pain.... he went on to mention Copperheads.
So I researched the term Copperheads to better understand that paragraph.
Copperheads were a faction of Democrats in the North, who nominally favored the Union but strongly opposed the war, demanded immediate peace and resisted the draft laws.
They wanted Lincoln and the Republicans removed and saw the president as a tyrant who was destroying American republican values. It went on and on of acts and demonstrations that demoralized some in the North and encouraged the South.
War is never pretty and something we ALL wish didn't have to take place, sometimes though its the only option. Can you imagine if we appeased these people and listened? America today would be divided!
I didn't need to go that far back though to tie in the current Democrat party as being on the fringe all I had to do was make the connection with the Vietnam war protesters. But I wanted to emphasize how consistently wrong the Liberal Left Democrat party has been for YEARS!
Whether you agree with this war in Iraq or not doesn't matter at this point, what matters is succeeding and getting our troops home. One of the biggest reasons why we didn't win the war in Vietnam was the resistance at home. The enemy knew they would be victorious if they could hold out long enough.
If you think back a few years ago when this conflict started in Iraq things were looking as if it would be an early exit when President Bush declared "mission accomplished". When did all the uprising and insurgency start? It seemed to coincide with Howard Dean saying this war is wrong and then John Kerry picked up the antiwar message with wrong war - wrong time. They knew then as they do now that they can't beat the Republicans on moral or economic issues so they had to find a difference. The antiwar message was it.
Sadly as in Vietnam the violence in Iraq will escalate as long as America is divided. Especially during an election year when one party is campaigning about how wrong the war is and promises to end it now. The insurgents know that with an increase in violence they can possibly change the outcome of an election in their favor. The difference though between Vietnam and Iraq is that in Vietnam only one country fell, but if we fail in Iraq the consequences will be felt globally! The terrorists will have a safe haven and a country to launch new attacks.
Hopefully Americans will realize that protesting and making antiwar a platform to win an election is wrong and costs lives and in this election the American voters will support our troops and effort in Iraq and tell the Democrats - wrong party -wrong time.
C. K. M.
It always amazed me that the liberal left screams antiwar messages and rants on and on about bringing our troops home as if they are so concerned about their welfare, but when the troops arrive home they are either frowned upon or called names, or worse yet, their funerals are interrupted with protests.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Random Thoughts
Always so much to write about, gee wish I could do this for a living so I could spend more time writing.
I was going to write about the homosexual agenda and how its has infiltrated the Republican party but instead will get out these random thoughts and observations I've accumulated over the past several months.
My man Blackwell
I was telling someone about a year ago a few of my plans on ways to cut costs for the schools. One of them was to privatize the lunchroom which I won't write about in detail here. But guess what? Listening to Kenneth Blackwell speak recently one of his plans if elected Governor is to do exactly that, privatize the lunchrooms. Boy do I feel good. Now to get him elected and implement the plan.
Another Blackwell Plan
Kenneth Blackwell wants to lease the Ohio turnpike. This plan I'm not to keen on but reading about it it does make some good points. Our government is good at spending our money not making a profit, the private sector knows how to run a business and make a profit. Thinking of it in those terms maybe it does make sense.
Who do I vote for?
Quite a few have asked me who should I vote for? This might seem over simplistic but it works. When things get a little blurred with issues or where a candidate stands take this tip and you won't go wrong in your choice. Listen to the people who support or oppose the issue or candidate. For me anytime a George Soros or the Hollywood Leftist Crowd speaks it turns me off, those people do not represent my beliefs and if they support or down an issue or someone, I know to take the opposing side. Locally it works also, just ask the person or the person representing an issue who they support and if it doesn't agree with your moral conscience go against it.
More on that same thought
I hope this election we remember some of the absurd comments that were made about the Bush administration and tell the Democrats enough. Some of their talk was so beyond reason it insulted my intelligence. Remember Katrina and how they blamed President Bush for everything including weather manipulation that made the hurricane loop back over New Orleans? There were other equally ridiculous comments made. Any party that bands together over an issue like that doesn't deserve votes.
Or How About this Beauty
Shame on me for not making complete notes on this. I was watching C Span about a month or so ago. An elected Democrat and a guess speaker, Buffen Burger President of the International Association of Machinist and Aerospace Workers, were fielding questions from a reporter. The question asked was how could the Democrats compete against the Republicans on Family Values or something close to that. Buffen Burger came up with this beauty after stumbling around he said hey even maintaining roads is a family value. I just laughed my head off on that one. Yes, maintaining roads is right up there in Christian beliefs. How could you vote for these people?
DON'T LET the few bad apples in the Republican party scare you, keep the Conservative movement going forward this November!
I was going to write about the homosexual agenda and how its has infiltrated the Republican party but instead will get out these random thoughts and observations I've accumulated over the past several months.
My man Blackwell
I was telling someone about a year ago a few of my plans on ways to cut costs for the schools. One of them was to privatize the lunchroom which I won't write about in detail here. But guess what? Listening to Kenneth Blackwell speak recently one of his plans if elected Governor is to do exactly that, privatize the lunchrooms. Boy do I feel good. Now to get him elected and implement the plan.
Another Blackwell Plan
Kenneth Blackwell wants to lease the Ohio turnpike. This plan I'm not to keen on but reading about it it does make some good points. Our government is good at spending our money not making a profit, the private sector knows how to run a business and make a profit. Thinking of it in those terms maybe it does make sense.
Who do I vote for?
Quite a few have asked me who should I vote for? This might seem over simplistic but it works. When things get a little blurred with issues or where a candidate stands take this tip and you won't go wrong in your choice. Listen to the people who support or oppose the issue or candidate. For me anytime a George Soros or the Hollywood Leftist Crowd speaks it turns me off, those people do not represent my beliefs and if they support or down an issue or someone, I know to take the opposing side. Locally it works also, just ask the person or the person representing an issue who they support and if it doesn't agree with your moral conscience go against it.
More on that same thought
I hope this election we remember some of the absurd comments that were made about the Bush administration and tell the Democrats enough. Some of their talk was so beyond reason it insulted my intelligence. Remember Katrina and how they blamed President Bush for everything including weather manipulation that made the hurricane loop back over New Orleans? There were other equally ridiculous comments made. Any party that bands together over an issue like that doesn't deserve votes.
Or How About this Beauty
Shame on me for not making complete notes on this. I was watching C Span about a month or so ago. An elected Democrat and a guess speaker, Buffen Burger President of the International Association of Machinist and Aerospace Workers, were fielding questions from a reporter. The question asked was how could the Democrats compete against the Republicans on Family Values or something close to that. Buffen Burger came up with this beauty after stumbling around he said hey even maintaining roads is a family value. I just laughed my head off on that one. Yes, maintaining roads is right up there in Christian beliefs. How could you vote for these people?
DON'T LET the few bad apples in the Republican party scare you, keep the Conservative movement going forward this November!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Future of the Republican Party
Future of the Republican Party
Democrats and liberals still like to call the Republican Party the rich white-mans party but it is far from that. More and more people are realizing it and joining the ranks of the GOP due to its core Conservative beliefs of lower taxes, less government and moral issues. And who is the latest group to join this Conservative fight and growing in numbers? It is African Americans.
Welcome back to the party of Lincoln!!
Quietly they have made inroads in the Republican Party, grabbed the torch of true Conservative principles, begun to speak out and run for public office. Gone are the days when the Democrats held African-American in check with bad policies of the government owing them, shackling them with welfare and no hope of succeeding. It has taken many years but they are coming home and making a positive difference not only in the Republican party but in all of America.
Many don't know this but the South after the Civil war was heavily Republican and run by blacks who were involved in government at most levels. But the concerted effort of Southern white Democrats to unravel all the gains accomplished by the Reconstruction Policies pushed the blacks back into bondage.
Its exciting to see this change take place because some of the most conservative thinkers and politicians are African- Americans. Just to name a few there is former Representative J. C. Watts, Alan Keyes, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, all are brilliant and true Conservatives. But the two that really have my interest is Ohio's Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell running for governor in Ohio and Lynn Swann running for governor of Pennsylvania. Both have a chance to be the first black governors elected in those states and a chance to carry the Conservative agenda even further.
Jumping ahead but have to add this, is the time right for an African-American as president? YES, it just won't be coming from the left side. But until that time comes lets see to it that Ohio's Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell and Lynn Swann get elected as governors, both are true conservatives and both deserve to be elected.
Democrats and liberals still like to call the Republican Party the rich white-mans party but it is far from that. More and more people are realizing it and joining the ranks of the GOP due to its core Conservative beliefs of lower taxes, less government and moral issues. And who is the latest group to join this Conservative fight and growing in numbers? It is African Americans.
Welcome back to the party of Lincoln!!
Quietly they have made inroads in the Republican Party, grabbed the torch of true Conservative principles, begun to speak out and run for public office. Gone are the days when the Democrats held African-American in check with bad policies of the government owing them, shackling them with welfare and no hope of succeeding. It has taken many years but they are coming home and making a positive difference not only in the Republican party but in all of America.
Many don't know this but the South after the Civil war was heavily Republican and run by blacks who were involved in government at most levels. But the concerted effort of Southern white Democrats to unravel all the gains accomplished by the Reconstruction Policies pushed the blacks back into bondage.
Its exciting to see this change take place because some of the most conservative thinkers and politicians are African- Americans. Just to name a few there is former Representative J. C. Watts, Alan Keyes, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, all are brilliant and true Conservatives. But the two that really have my interest is Ohio's Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell running for governor in Ohio and Lynn Swann running for governor of Pennsylvania. Both have a chance to be the first black governors elected in those states and a chance to carry the Conservative agenda even further.
Jumping ahead but have to add this, is the time right for an African-American as president? YES, it just won't be coming from the left side. But until that time comes lets see to it that Ohio's Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell and Lynn Swann get elected as governors, both are true conservatives and both deserve to be elected.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Rock'n the RNC!
Rock'n the RNC
Things were really hoping in Cleveland Tuesday night as the GOP hosted a party at the Rock Hall to woo the 2008 Republican Convention to the city. Cleveland along with St. Paul, New York and Tampa are all vying for the spot.
It was one swinging bash. Among the heavy hitters in the Republican Party to attend was Governor Taft, Senator Dewine, RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Ohio Republican Party Robert Bennett and I'm sure there was others who I didn't recognize or see. Plus in attendance was the legendary Don King and Cavs star Danny Ferry. I'm telling you it was some kinda party!!
DJ Norm Nite hosted the event and entertainment was provided by Fat Tuesday and 50's & 60's Doo Wop groups The Edsel's and Reflections. Both were sensational still hitting all the high and low notes.
The most interesting sight of the night was Democrat Mayor Jackson and other Democrats speaking on behalf of the Republican party. I thought Mayor Jackson was very personable and low key seems to be a nice guy.
In all it was an exciting fun filled night, you should of been there!
Don't be LEFT out - join the RIGHT party
Vote Republican this November and keep the Conservative movement going!
Carey K. Masci
Things were really hoping in Cleveland Tuesday night as the GOP hosted a party at the Rock Hall to woo the 2008 Republican Convention to the city. Cleveland along with St. Paul, New York and Tampa are all vying for the spot.
It was one swinging bash. Among the heavy hitters in the Republican Party to attend was Governor Taft, Senator Dewine, RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Ohio Republican Party Robert Bennett and I'm sure there was others who I didn't recognize or see. Plus in attendance was the legendary Don King and Cavs star Danny Ferry. I'm telling you it was some kinda party!!
DJ Norm Nite hosted the event and entertainment was provided by Fat Tuesday and 50's & 60's Doo Wop groups The Edsel's and Reflections. Both were sensational still hitting all the high and low notes.
The most interesting sight of the night was Democrat Mayor Jackson and other Democrats speaking on behalf of the Republican party. I thought Mayor Jackson was very personable and low key seems to be a nice guy.
In all it was an exciting fun filled night, you should of been there!
Don't be LEFT out - join the RIGHT party
Vote Republican this November and keep the Conservative movement going!
Carey K. Masci
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Minimum Wage
The House voted to raise the minimum wage to $7.25 per hour in the next 3 years but the Senate rejected it.
We can all breathe a sigh of relief. Before you get upset let me explain it this way.... What are You willing to pay for a burger at your favorite fast food establishment? $3, $4, $5, $6 or more? IF the minimum wage gets raised so will EVERYTHING else!!
Its dumb for me to even have to explain this but minimum wage will never over take the higher paying jobs!
Minimum wage will never be enough to raise a Family on which was one of the arguments used to raise it.
Should someone in high school or anyone else for that matter make that much working at an entry level position? Of course not.
The only winner here is the government, higher prices more tax revenue.
If you really want this economy to take off and control inflation lower the wage or keep it as is and let the market dictate whats paid.
By raising the minimum wage all it does is decrease the value of the dollar even more.
As much as I didn't want the minimum wage raised there was other issues attached that also didn't pass which is unfortunate.
The others were, a permanent cut in the estate tax and extend tax breaks for business research, college tuition and state sales tax.
The Democrats complained that the Republicans played politics by attaching other bills to the minimum wage raise and should of had a straight up and down vote instead. Though that may be true, the Republicans were still willing to compromise but the Democrats not willing to allow tax breaks defeated the wage hike.
Just remember this when you go to the polls in November.
Carey K. Masci
We can all breathe a sigh of relief. Before you get upset let me explain it this way.... What are You willing to pay for a burger at your favorite fast food establishment? $3, $4, $5, $6 or more? IF the minimum wage gets raised so will EVERYTHING else!!
Its dumb for me to even have to explain this but minimum wage will never over take the higher paying jobs!
Minimum wage will never be enough to raise a Family on which was one of the arguments used to raise it.
Should someone in high school or anyone else for that matter make that much working at an entry level position? Of course not.
The only winner here is the government, higher prices more tax revenue.
If you really want this economy to take off and control inflation lower the wage or keep it as is and let the market dictate whats paid.
By raising the minimum wage all it does is decrease the value of the dollar even more.
As much as I didn't want the minimum wage raised there was other issues attached that also didn't pass which is unfortunate.
The others were, a permanent cut in the estate tax and extend tax breaks for business research, college tuition and state sales tax.
The Democrats complained that the Republicans played politics by attaching other bills to the minimum wage raise and should of had a straight up and down vote instead. Though that may be true, the Republicans were still willing to compromise but the Democrats not willing to allow tax breaks defeated the wage hike.
Just remember this when you go to the polls in November.
Carey K. Masci
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
The Conservative Right
This was taken from the editorial section of the Lake County News Herald on 04/24/2006 before the primaries, it is abbreviated:
The Republican primary for state treasurer offers stark contrasts between incumbent Treasurer Jennette Bradley and her opponent, Ashtabula County Auditor Sandra O'Brien. O'Brien has traveled across the Buckeye State touting her proven conservative credentials as an opponent to abortion. The treasurer's office, however, doesn't have a say on this contentious moral issue.
It doesn't matter people who vote Republican do so more on moral lines, they are tired of all the social engineering with homosexual rights, abortion rights, the removal of God from public places, gun rights and a host of other issues. Issues that the Democrats take a completely opposing stance. Even in a position of state treasurer where it has little if any say on these issues people voted their moral conscience. People are tired of the government interfering and eroding our beliefs and values.
As I was looking at the sample ballot this past May primary with my father making sure we had everything correct, a guy walked up. I asked who he was voting for governor. He replied Blackwell, I don't want same sex marriage. That reason amongst others is what elected Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell to run for governor in November. His moral beliefs and stance on the many social issues facing America. He is a very believable candidate.
Though it may not of been a landslide victory for any of the Conservative Right candidates it still sends enough of a message, especially here in Ohio which is a key battle ground state, that the path to victory goes through them.
The biggest distinction between Republicans and Democrats is with the Conservative Right not with the moderates or liberal Republicans where the lines get blurred. Republicans have to recognize this or they will alienate their true base. If they do it will be hard to win and even harder to hold onto the majority they now have.
Carey K. Masci
The Republican primary for state treasurer offers stark contrasts between incumbent Treasurer Jennette Bradley and her opponent, Ashtabula County Auditor Sandra O'Brien. O'Brien has traveled across the Buckeye State touting her proven conservative credentials as an opponent to abortion. The treasurer's office, however, doesn't have a say on this contentious moral issue.
It doesn't matter people who vote Republican do so more on moral lines, they are tired of all the social engineering with homosexual rights, abortion rights, the removal of God from public places, gun rights and a host of other issues. Issues that the Democrats take a completely opposing stance. Even in a position of state treasurer where it has little if any say on these issues people voted their moral conscience. People are tired of the government interfering and eroding our beliefs and values.
As I was looking at the sample ballot this past May primary with my father making sure we had everything correct, a guy walked up. I asked who he was voting for governor. He replied Blackwell, I don't want same sex marriage. That reason amongst others is what elected Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell to run for governor in November. His moral beliefs and stance on the many social issues facing America. He is a very believable candidate.
Though it may not of been a landslide victory for any of the Conservative Right candidates it still sends enough of a message, especially here in Ohio which is a key battle ground state, that the path to victory goes through them.
The biggest distinction between Republicans and Democrats is with the Conservative Right not with the moderates or liberal Republicans where the lines get blurred. Republicans have to recognize this or they will alienate their true base. If they do it will be hard to win and even harder to hold onto the majority they now have.
Carey K. Masci
Friday, May 19, 2006
Price of gas
Recently I have been receiving the same old email that has been circulating the last few years about how to lower the price of gas. Though the intent of these emails may be noble in trying to help, it truly is in vain. Boycotting gas on certain days, avoiding the major gas stations all have little if any impact on lowering the price and may actually aggravate the situation rather than help it. I sent out out a list similar to this last year and thought it was time to resend it in hopes of everyone understanding what is going on with the price of gas.
In no particular order here it is.
1. EPA mandate of cleaner burning gas. Their blunder of making oil refineries use higher amounts of an additive called MTBE. Now they find it pollutes ground water so it is being phased out. All this tinkering with removing and finding a new additive causes an increase in price and disruption of gas getting to the market.
2. Due to EPA regulations and small profits the number of refineries in the US has dropped since the early 80's from over 300 to a little over 130 today. Less refineries less gas available. No new refineries have been built in about 30 years.
3. Outdated refineries and limited storage capacity. Again EPA interference.
4. Mergers and buyouts of oil companies. Less competition.
5. Shrinking value of the dollar. Not only gas has gone up but so has everything else! It wasn't to long ago when you could get a burger and fries at a restaurant for $3.50. Now even at places like Denny's its over six bucks.
6. World demand. Oil consumption is way up not only in the US but all over.
7. Depending on where you live, our government taxes a gallon of gas anywhere from 45 to 65 cents. That's outrageous. The stores on average makes only 14 to 18 cents profit per gallon.
8. The repeated disruption by natural disasters the last few years.
9. Civil strife, war and rumors of war in oil producing countries like Iraq and Nigeria (there is others) either disrupt production or drive prices higher.
10. EPA, Democrats and even some Republicans have stopped or hindered us from exploring and or drilling for new oil in key area's.
11. Bad planning by EVERYONE in America. We knew this was coming. Remember the scare in the '70's of the oil embargo that saw the first big jump in price for oil? We had all those years to perfect gasohol or come up with an alternative fuel and change our ways. Instead we were lulled into a false sense of security by OPEC releasing more oil which kept gas cheap and also shut down some of our refineries because they couldn't compete.
12. America is to spread out. Before the advent of suburbs things were centrally located in the cities. People keep building houses further out and driving miles to get to work and the stores.
Now this is ONLY MY OPINION but I keep hearing people tell me its 7 dollars in England and elsewhere, so what is the point? Is this also part of the global agenda to raise prices here to get America more in line with the rest of the world?
Something else you have to keep in mind, this is a natural resource, do we really know how much is left in the ground? I have heard estimates ranging from unlimited to 100 years and some people think we have only a 40 year supply left. If that's true oil will run out in most of our lifetimes.
So what can we do?
Petition our government to allow exploration, tell EPA to back off and encourage more research and development into alternative forms of fuel.
BUT what will give the best result is to ELIMINATE one day a week of driving. Whether you car pool to work or combine errands into one day this will save a huge amount of gas.
Other drastic measures that should be given serious consideration is to raise the driving age to 18 or only allowing 16 to 17 year olds driving privileges to and from work.
I know this other thought may not sit well with my race enthusiast friends, but remember I also belong to a Van Club and attend races. Put more restrictions on all forms of racing, limit the amount of races held in a year and also restrict any new tracks from being built. You have to put things into perspective, what is more important, gas to drive to work and run our emergency vehicles, buses, plains, military etc... or a sport?
What won't work is the windfall-profit tax on oil companies which was first schemed up by Democrat Dennis Kucinich and now heralded by Barney Franks and other Democrats. The lunacy to think an added tax on an item will decrease the price! Our whole economy is based on profits. How do you expect a company to reinvest or expand their business if the Government takes away their profit?
This Robin Hood mentality of taking from the rich and giving to the poor only works in Hollywood, in real life its called Socialism.
Lastly if you noticed I didn't include the Oil Companies of gouging. In my research I did find the billions of dollars in profits they are making. BUT I am not exactly sure how the oil is removed from the ground, sold per barrel and how it finally reaches us and the expenditures for each step. If someone is knowledgeable on this please inform me. Maybe they are more to blame than I realize but I did read one article in the Washington Post that Texas based Exxon Mobil made about 9.8 cents on every dollar of sales. Is that an unreasonable profit? Let me explain it this way, Wal-Mart hit a record profit for 2005 of $11.2 billion. Can you accuse them of overpricing? Of course not. They achieved their goal by low prices and volume. Same with the oil companies. There is fewer companies today selling far more oil. Wouldn't it stand to reason their profits would be huge?
Your Friend Always,
Carey Masci
In no particular order here it is.
1. EPA mandate of cleaner burning gas. Their blunder of making oil refineries use higher amounts of an additive called MTBE. Now they find it pollutes ground water so it is being phased out. All this tinkering with removing and finding a new additive causes an increase in price and disruption of gas getting to the market.
2. Due to EPA regulations and small profits the number of refineries in the US has dropped since the early 80's from over 300 to a little over 130 today. Less refineries less gas available. No new refineries have been built in about 30 years.
3. Outdated refineries and limited storage capacity. Again EPA interference.
4. Mergers and buyouts of oil companies. Less competition.
5. Shrinking value of the dollar. Not only gas has gone up but so has everything else! It wasn't to long ago when you could get a burger and fries at a restaurant for $3.50. Now even at places like Denny's its over six bucks.
6. World demand. Oil consumption is way up not only in the US but all over.
7. Depending on where you live, our government taxes a gallon of gas anywhere from 45 to 65 cents. That's outrageous. The stores on average makes only 14 to 18 cents profit per gallon.
8. The repeated disruption by natural disasters the last few years.
9. Civil strife, war and rumors of war in oil producing countries like Iraq and Nigeria (there is others) either disrupt production or drive prices higher.
10. EPA, Democrats and even some Republicans have stopped or hindered us from exploring and or drilling for new oil in key area's.
11. Bad planning by EVERYONE in America. We knew this was coming. Remember the scare in the '70's of the oil embargo that saw the first big jump in price for oil? We had all those years to perfect gasohol or come up with an alternative fuel and change our ways. Instead we were lulled into a false sense of security by OPEC releasing more oil which kept gas cheap and also shut down some of our refineries because they couldn't compete.
12. America is to spread out. Before the advent of suburbs things were centrally located in the cities. People keep building houses further out and driving miles to get to work and the stores.
Now this is ONLY MY OPINION but I keep hearing people tell me its 7 dollars in England and elsewhere, so what is the point? Is this also part of the global agenda to raise prices here to get America more in line with the rest of the world?
Something else you have to keep in mind, this is a natural resource, do we really know how much is left in the ground? I have heard estimates ranging from unlimited to 100 years and some people think we have only a 40 year supply left. If that's true oil will run out in most of our lifetimes.
So what can we do?
Petition our government to allow exploration, tell EPA to back off and encourage more research and development into alternative forms of fuel.
BUT what will give the best result is to ELIMINATE one day a week of driving. Whether you car pool to work or combine errands into one day this will save a huge amount of gas.
Other drastic measures that should be given serious consideration is to raise the driving age to 18 or only allowing 16 to 17 year olds driving privileges to and from work.
I know this other thought may not sit well with my race enthusiast friends, but remember I also belong to a Van Club and attend races. Put more restrictions on all forms of racing, limit the amount of races held in a year and also restrict any new tracks from being built. You have to put things into perspective, what is more important, gas to drive to work and run our emergency vehicles, buses, plains, military etc... or a sport?
What won't work is the windfall-profit tax on oil companies which was first schemed up by Democrat Dennis Kucinich and now heralded by Barney Franks and other Democrats. The lunacy to think an added tax on an item will decrease the price! Our whole economy is based on profits. How do you expect a company to reinvest or expand their business if the Government takes away their profit?
This Robin Hood mentality of taking from the rich and giving to the poor only works in Hollywood, in real life its called Socialism.
Lastly if you noticed I didn't include the Oil Companies of gouging. In my research I did find the billions of dollars in profits they are making. BUT I am not exactly sure how the oil is removed from the ground, sold per barrel and how it finally reaches us and the expenditures for each step. If someone is knowledgeable on this please inform me. Maybe they are more to blame than I realize but I did read one article in the Washington Post that Texas based Exxon Mobil made about 9.8 cents on every dollar of sales. Is that an unreasonable profit? Let me explain it this way, Wal-Mart hit a record profit for 2005 of $11.2 billion. Can you accuse them of overpricing? Of course not. They achieved their goal by low prices and volume. Same with the oil companies. There is fewer companies today selling far more oil. Wouldn't it stand to reason their profits would be huge?
Your Friend Always,
Carey Masci
Thursday, April 06, 2006
The Invasion
The Invasion
Can you believe what has been going on in the streets of America concerning illegal immigrants? Can you believe the gall of these people to demonstrate when they don't even belong here? How could any rational American support this behavior? Does anyone realize the seriousness of this matter?
It just sickens me the politics being played by both sides. Literally America is being invaded and no one is doing anything about it. Just because they don't wear army uniforms doesn't mean anything, this is an invasion.
Our money is being wasted on congressional hearings on a matter that doesn't need one. What part of illegal aliens or immigrants don't they understand? Illegal is illegal.
I'm also so tired of hearing about politicians who are afraid to do what is right in fear of not being reelected. Well if they did what was right there wouldn't be any reason not to be elected again? Besides even if they weren't reelected wouldn't it be better to be a one term politician who did what was right and make a difference?
So what rights do these aliens have? Human rights YES, American rights absolutely not, there is a bigdifference. To have Constitutional rights you need to be a citizen of the US, if you aren't they don't apply to you - plain and simple - case closed!
The nonsense of trying to figure out what to do. Simple, arrest them, send them back, bill Mexico and patrol the boarder, whats so hard about that?
It amazes me that the US can flex its strength overseas but here in our homeland we have to be careful,we have to be tolerant. Have we become that soft concerning illegal aliens and minorities that we can no longer do what is right?
The other nonsense of what will the farmers do without this cheap labor. Remember the chain gangs? Revive them. Any nonviolent offender send them out to those fields, let them work off their infractions instead of doing nothing and being fed free meals. Trouble youths of the inner city, same thing. It would do them good to be away from their surroundings, get them out in nature and most of all teach them a work ethic that is sorely lacking in America. Is it better to keep locking them up? Or what about welfare recipients? Is it better to pay someone for doing nothing instead of that person at least trying to be independent of the government or whatever small wage they do make it could compensate welfare?
Rich Adler said something that at first didn't make sense to me. After I thought about it he is so right. He said America tried cheap labor in the form of slavery and that didn't work. Let me expound on that for you. Though these aliens aren't slaves they are, I'm sure, being paid substandard wages and probably live in substandard conditions. Is this really helping them? Is this really good for America keeping these people on the bottom rung and creating another lower class which eventually will be dependent on the government just because we can't do this labor ourselves?
Look at what is happening here in America. This alien invasion is changing our national identity. We are now almost bilingual. Up in Quebec Canada a similar situation arose with the French who wanted to make it all French and almost led them to secede. Don't read into this that I am anti Hispanic BUT if these people became citizens the proper way and learn our language there would be no problem. When my family came from Italy did they stage demonstrations and demand rights? Did they demand people speak to them in their native language? The answer is NO. They came to America to be a part of America and ultimately to be called Americans!
Some have even called them law abiding people. WRONG!! If they were law abiding then they wouldn't of broke the laws to get here. If these people refuse to abide by our rules, refuse to learn our language and want to bring their religion and culture here then send them back home. This not only applies to Hispanics but all immigrants. This is America!
Is anyone listening?
Carey K. Masci
Can you believe what has been going on in the streets of America concerning illegal immigrants? Can you believe the gall of these people to demonstrate when they don't even belong here? How could any rational American support this behavior? Does anyone realize the seriousness of this matter?
It just sickens me the politics being played by both sides. Literally America is being invaded and no one is doing anything about it. Just because they don't wear army uniforms doesn't mean anything, this is an invasion.
Our money is being wasted on congressional hearings on a matter that doesn't need one. What part of illegal aliens or immigrants don't they understand? Illegal is illegal.
I'm also so tired of hearing about politicians who are afraid to do what is right in fear of not being reelected. Well if they did what was right there wouldn't be any reason not to be elected again? Besides even if they weren't reelected wouldn't it be better to be a one term politician who did what was right and make a difference?
So what rights do these aliens have? Human rights YES, American rights absolutely not, there is a bigdifference. To have Constitutional rights you need to be a citizen of the US, if you aren't they don't apply to you - plain and simple - case closed!
The nonsense of trying to figure out what to do. Simple, arrest them, send them back, bill Mexico and patrol the boarder, whats so hard about that?
It amazes me that the US can flex its strength overseas but here in our homeland we have to be careful,we have to be tolerant. Have we become that soft concerning illegal aliens and minorities that we can no longer do what is right?
The other nonsense of what will the farmers do without this cheap labor. Remember the chain gangs? Revive them. Any nonviolent offender send them out to those fields, let them work off their infractions instead of doing nothing and being fed free meals. Trouble youths of the inner city, same thing. It would do them good to be away from their surroundings, get them out in nature and most of all teach them a work ethic that is sorely lacking in America. Is it better to keep locking them up? Or what about welfare recipients? Is it better to pay someone for doing nothing instead of that person at least trying to be independent of the government or whatever small wage they do make it could compensate welfare?
Rich Adler said something that at first didn't make sense to me. After I thought about it he is so right. He said America tried cheap labor in the form of slavery and that didn't work. Let me expound on that for you. Though these aliens aren't slaves they are, I'm sure, being paid substandard wages and probably live in substandard conditions. Is this really helping them? Is this really good for America keeping these people on the bottom rung and creating another lower class which eventually will be dependent on the government just because we can't do this labor ourselves?
Look at what is happening here in America. This alien invasion is changing our national identity. We are now almost bilingual. Up in Quebec Canada a similar situation arose with the French who wanted to make it all French and almost led them to secede. Don't read into this that I am anti Hispanic BUT if these people became citizens the proper way and learn our language there would be no problem. When my family came from Italy did they stage demonstrations and demand rights? Did they demand people speak to them in their native language? The answer is NO. They came to America to be a part of America and ultimately to be called Americans!
Some have even called them law abiding people. WRONG!! If they were law abiding then they wouldn't of broke the laws to get here. If these people refuse to abide by our rules, refuse to learn our language and want to bring their religion and culture here then send them back home. This not only applies to Hispanics but all immigrants. This is America!
Is anyone listening?
Carey K. Masci
Thursday, March 23, 2006
the Right View
I was asked by Tim G. who lives in Michigan andworks at Ford to pass this along.
He is not only concerned about his job but also the state of the American Auto Industry which may fade into oblivion if America doesn't wake up NOW!
I also wanted to write about this same topic for some TIME but there is SO MUCH going on right now it has my head spinning, I can't keep up with all the events facing the US and the world.
Please take the time to read about Tim's concern and PLEASE feel free to pass this on to everyone you know! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
American Auto's
Some of the problems that gets me going on a bender:
Too many people are buying imports. Read the media. EVERY DAY the American auto companies (particularlyFord) are constantly being beat up. Then listen to NPR. Read Consumer Reports or (Foreign) Car and Driver.
The HONDA RIDGELINE is the truck of the year.
That's a UNI-BODY truck, AND can only tow 4500 lbs. I can tow more than twice that with my 10 year old truck.
Look at quality. Did you know that Toyota recalled two MILLION vehicles last year? NOBODY talks about that. HOWEVER, you'll see that the Ford Crown Victoria is UNSAFE when hit from behind WHILE SITTING STILL, and the car hitting the Crown Vic is doing 60-70 MPH. Show me any car that will stand up to that.
The real facts for the Crown Victoria are amazing! In reality it is one of the SAFEST vehicles in the country, it EXCEEDS the maximum government crash standard for rear end collision.
This Ford makes an excellent family car! It has body-on-frame construction, a V8 that gives great performance AND will still give the driver 20-25 mpg!! Do you ever hear THAT?
As for the frivolous lawsuits by certain police municipalities that sued citing their vehicles were unsafe, Ford REFUSED more fleet sales to them when they requested. Ford said basically "if you are going to sue us for something that we didn't do, than we will not sell you any more vehicles". Good for Ford.
Everybody talks about the Japanese cars being MADE in AMERICA. No, they are ASSEMBLED in AMERICA of JAPANESE parts, designed in JAPAN and all of the profits of the Japanese cars go to JAPAN. NOT AMERICA.
HONDA is buying soybean farmland around their autoplants in Ohio. Then they LEASE it back to the farmers. The soybeans harvested are finally shipped back to Japan in crates that held all of the Japanese parts that go into making those AMERICAN MADE HONDA'S.
As for the soybeans, here's where that information came from:
Please look at it, there is other information on there that will make you shudder!
Another clever trick of the Japanese is that they handle major issues with their vehicles rather silently. That is, when a customer comes in for an oil change, the dealer fixes their call/safety/whatever problem as a FAVOR to the customer. Therefore, the customer thinks that Toyota is doing them a favor, when in fact they're covering up a screw up. Did you understand that? Read it again what I just wrote.
Don't people see what's happening here?
PLEASE post ALL of what I tell you on your HEY GANG messages. Those seem to get around, and we need to get the word out that the Americans still make great vehicles.
Your Pal,
Tim G.
I do need to add that the domestic car manufacturers problems are not all due to foreign competition but also to an all to powerful union. The Unions have such a tight grip on the automakers its difficult for them to stay competitive. They are squeezing the auto companies SO HARD ( can you say"don't do my work during the work week so I can get the overtime") that profits and the costs of benefits are skyrocketing. Therefore the auto companies make all of the cuts to the salaried workers. Union workers are screaming that their co-pays went from 5 to 10 dollars. However, salaried benefit costs have gone up about 80 percent in the last six years.
Wake up America!!
YES Tim I have seen what has happened. I have been screaming about this for years. Not only is this bad for employment but our national security as well which people don't think about. There is many reasons for the decline of theAmerican Auto Industry. A stubborn and all to powerful Union that would not make concessions and protected workers who should of been canned, labor laws and quotas, EPA and government regulations, mismanagement but the biggest reason in my book is advertisement - people bought the lie that foreign cars are so great. And I will never understand how Daimler Benz was allowed to buy Chrysler after the US government bailed them out from ruin in the late 70's.
Before we completely lose ALL domestic auto's and another piece of our national identity America better wake up and support Ford and GM. IF we lose them, the slide from being a world leader is going to happen and I am afraid quite quickly. Trust me!!
It so sad what has happened to the once mighty Eagle!
Your Friend,
Carey K. Masci
I was asked by Tim G. who lives in Michigan andworks at Ford to pass this along.
He is not only concerned about his job but also the state of the American Auto Industry which may fade into oblivion if America doesn't wake up NOW!
I also wanted to write about this same topic for some TIME but there is SO MUCH going on right now it has my head spinning, I can't keep up with all the events facing the US and the world.
Please take the time to read about Tim's concern and PLEASE feel free to pass this on to everyone you know! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
American Auto's
Some of the problems that gets me going on a bender:
Too many people are buying imports. Read the media. EVERY DAY the American auto companies (particularlyFord) are constantly being beat up. Then listen to NPR. Read Consumer Reports or (Foreign) Car and Driver.
The HONDA RIDGELINE is the truck of the year.
That's a UNI-BODY truck, AND can only tow 4500 lbs. I can tow more than twice that with my 10 year old truck.
Look at quality. Did you know that Toyota recalled two MILLION vehicles last year? NOBODY talks about that. HOWEVER, you'll see that the Ford Crown Victoria is UNSAFE when hit from behind WHILE SITTING STILL, and the car hitting the Crown Vic is doing 60-70 MPH. Show me any car that will stand up to that.
The real facts for the Crown Victoria are amazing! In reality it is one of the SAFEST vehicles in the country, it EXCEEDS the maximum government crash standard for rear end collision.
This Ford makes an excellent family car! It has body-on-frame construction, a V8 that gives great performance AND will still give the driver 20-25 mpg!! Do you ever hear THAT?
As for the frivolous lawsuits by certain police municipalities that sued citing their vehicles were unsafe, Ford REFUSED more fleet sales to them when they requested. Ford said basically "if you are going to sue us for something that we didn't do, than we will not sell you any more vehicles". Good for Ford.
Everybody talks about the Japanese cars being MADE in AMERICA. No, they are ASSEMBLED in AMERICA of JAPANESE parts, designed in JAPAN and all of the profits of the Japanese cars go to JAPAN. NOT AMERICA.
HONDA is buying soybean farmland around their autoplants in Ohio. Then they LEASE it back to the farmers. The soybeans harvested are finally shipped back to Japan in crates that held all of the Japanese parts that go into making those AMERICAN MADE HONDA'S.
As for the soybeans, here's where that information came from:
Please look at it, there is other information on there that will make you shudder!
Another clever trick of the Japanese is that they handle major issues with their vehicles rather silently. That is, when a customer comes in for an oil change, the dealer fixes their call/safety/whatever problem as a FAVOR to the customer. Therefore, the customer thinks that Toyota is doing them a favor, when in fact they're covering up a screw up. Did you understand that? Read it again what I just wrote.
Don't people see what's happening here?
PLEASE post ALL of what I tell you on your HEY GANG messages. Those seem to get around, and we need to get the word out that the Americans still make great vehicles.
Your Pal,
Tim G.
I do need to add that the domestic car manufacturers problems are not all due to foreign competition but also to an all to powerful union. The Unions have such a tight grip on the automakers its difficult for them to stay competitive. They are squeezing the auto companies SO HARD ( can you say"don't do my work during the work week so I can get the overtime") that profits and the costs of benefits are skyrocketing. Therefore the auto companies make all of the cuts to the salaried workers. Union workers are screaming that their co-pays went from 5 to 10 dollars. However, salaried benefit costs have gone up about 80 percent in the last six years.
Wake up America!!
YES Tim I have seen what has happened. I have been screaming about this for years. Not only is this bad for employment but our national security as well which people don't think about. There is many reasons for the decline of theAmerican Auto Industry. A stubborn and all to powerful Union that would not make concessions and protected workers who should of been canned, labor laws and quotas, EPA and government regulations, mismanagement but the biggest reason in my book is advertisement - people bought the lie that foreign cars are so great. And I will never understand how Daimler Benz was allowed to buy Chrysler after the US government bailed them out from ruin in the late 70's.
Before we completely lose ALL domestic auto's and another piece of our national identity America better wake up and support Ford and GM. IF we lose them, the slide from being a world leader is going to happen and I am afraid quite quickly. Trust me!!
It so sad what has happened to the once mighty Eagle!
Your Friend,
Carey K. Masci
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Even though it seems that Dubai will sell off ownership of the ports to a US firm from all the pressure raised by congress, I still decided to post what I wrote a week ago. I felt it was important enough to be read.
The Ports March 6
First of all do I like the sale, NO, but read on.
A couple of years ago while at a garage sale I bought a box of Time magazines for a dollar. I was hoping they were from the 90's so I could refresh some of my friends memories of the MANY scandals during the Clinton years. Instead they were from the mid to late 80's. A few really got my attention, and if I can find this one in particular I will give the date and quote from it. It was about Kuwait. A quick summary of the article was how friendly that country was towards the US and how good they treated their citizens. It made sense why we defended them in Desert Storm.
What does this have to do with the ports? Hang on.
Anyways when I first heard about this port deal I went ballistic and good thing I didn't write my thoughts then but after I did some reasoning with myself I calmed down. And it might sound like I am copying others sentiment but I'm not, I thought of this before the news shows started airing their opinions. The truth is that the US is in between Iraq and a hard place. From what I have heard the United Arab Emirates, as is Kuwait, is friendly towards the US. So what should Pres. Bush do? Does he alienate a friendly Arab nation, block the deal and chance them not supporting our effort in Iraq and the region?
You also have to remember something vitally important here, this war IS NOT against Arabs. Likewise WWII was not against Germans. Both wars were against evil ideology, false religion and corrupt leadership. After the war ended in WWII the veil was lifted off the German people and a lot of them were very remorseful for what happened. Same with this war, if we can educate Iraq and set up democracy they will be like Germany or Japan is and one less country harboring terrorists.
I remember when Clinton first took office Rush Limbaugh said "you better get your scrapbooks ready because this will be fun all the garbage that will come out of this presidency you will want to clip from the newspapers and save it". (I hope I worded it correctly and wish I took his advice) Well as you know amongst other blunders it is rumored that Clinton could of had Osama Bin Lauden. If his leadership was more together and they crushed Osama and al-Qaeda would 911 of happened? Would this war against terrorism exist? Its hard to say but if it didn't happen this port deal wouldn't be as big of an issue. Further more, during the previous administration China was given Most Favored Nation Trade Status and control of Long Beach Naval Base a major port on the west coast in California. Do we really know if the Chinese are spying on us or planning other malicious acts? Why wasn't there as much outcry back then or now about who is keeping an eye on that port? China is a far greater threat than the U.A.E. which has a population a little over 4 million.
I was very surprised though to find out that the US didn't own or control these 6 ports on the east coast. What I would love to know is why and how was a company from England allowed to buy them in the first place? Also, England being our ally why didn't they tip us off of the possible sale so we could purchase the ports back ourselves and why didn't the courts of England block this deal from going through? This is where President Bush and the Republicans failed. Realizing how Clinton sold that west coast naval base why didn't President Bush or Congress pass a law forbidding the sale of any more bases or ports and any that are currently held in foreign control if they did decide to sell them, they would have to be sold back to the US?
Maybe I am overly simplifying things and there is way more to this but those are questions I need answered. Especially after 911 our ports, bases and boarders should of beeen under lock down. Right now there is so much confusion with this deal. Republicans, Democrats, and even left wing groups are against it. Even more confusing is there is now reports that Bill Clinton has been going over there and being paid to coach them on how to successfully get the deal completed while Hillary is over here condemning Pres. Bush for permitting it! As much as I don't like the port deal (I don't like any deal where a foreign country buys a part ofAmerica) it is still our security forces watching and patrolling it and it is currently foreign owned . And don't you think with our boarders so open and Detroit home to an Arab population of an estimated 300,000 that they don't need this port to attack us if they wanted to?
As far as the Left and Democrats are concerned they are so hypocritical. They have been adamant about shutting down Guantánamo Bay, against this war in Iraq, protesting against anything relating to the war on terror and President Bush but then suddenly an Arab country wants to buy a port and now they are the great protectors! There is FAR GREATER issues facing this nation. Do you realize that America is close to entirely losing all production of American made cars and that there is foreign owned factories here in America? Did you know that the Indiana Turnpike is about to or was sold to a foreign country - YES the Indiana Turnpike!... a HIGHWAY!! Or what about the systematic removal of ALL signs of religion or God from public places, isn't that a sign of communism? What about the camera's appearing all over on our streets? These are just a few of the MAJOR issues facing America, don't worry about the ports, worry about whats going on inland!
Carey K. Masci
The Ports March 6
First of all do I like the sale, NO, but read on.
A couple of years ago while at a garage sale I bought a box of Time magazines for a dollar. I was hoping they were from the 90's so I could refresh some of my friends memories of the MANY scandals during the Clinton years. Instead they were from the mid to late 80's. A few really got my attention, and if I can find this one in particular I will give the date and quote from it. It was about Kuwait. A quick summary of the article was how friendly that country was towards the US and how good they treated their citizens. It made sense why we defended them in Desert Storm.
What does this have to do with the ports? Hang on.
Anyways when I first heard about this port deal I went ballistic and good thing I didn't write my thoughts then but after I did some reasoning with myself I calmed down. And it might sound like I am copying others sentiment but I'm not, I thought of this before the news shows started airing their opinions. The truth is that the US is in between Iraq and a hard place. From what I have heard the United Arab Emirates, as is Kuwait, is friendly towards the US. So what should Pres. Bush do? Does he alienate a friendly Arab nation, block the deal and chance them not supporting our effort in Iraq and the region?
You also have to remember something vitally important here, this war IS NOT against Arabs. Likewise WWII was not against Germans. Both wars were against evil ideology, false religion and corrupt leadership. After the war ended in WWII the veil was lifted off the German people and a lot of them were very remorseful for what happened. Same with this war, if we can educate Iraq and set up democracy they will be like Germany or Japan is and one less country harboring terrorists.
I remember when Clinton first took office Rush Limbaugh said "you better get your scrapbooks ready because this will be fun all the garbage that will come out of this presidency you will want to clip from the newspapers and save it". (I hope I worded it correctly and wish I took his advice) Well as you know amongst other blunders it is rumored that Clinton could of had Osama Bin Lauden. If his leadership was more together and they crushed Osama and al-Qaeda would 911 of happened? Would this war against terrorism exist? Its hard to say but if it didn't happen this port deal wouldn't be as big of an issue. Further more, during the previous administration China was given Most Favored Nation Trade Status and control of Long Beach Naval Base a major port on the west coast in California. Do we really know if the Chinese are spying on us or planning other malicious acts? Why wasn't there as much outcry back then or now about who is keeping an eye on that port? China is a far greater threat than the U.A.E. which has a population a little over 4 million.
I was very surprised though to find out that the US didn't own or control these 6 ports on the east coast. What I would love to know is why and how was a company from England allowed to buy them in the first place? Also, England being our ally why didn't they tip us off of the possible sale so we could purchase the ports back ourselves and why didn't the courts of England block this deal from going through? This is where President Bush and the Republicans failed. Realizing how Clinton sold that west coast naval base why didn't President Bush or Congress pass a law forbidding the sale of any more bases or ports and any that are currently held in foreign control if they did decide to sell them, they would have to be sold back to the US?
Maybe I am overly simplifying things and there is way more to this but those are questions I need answered. Especially after 911 our ports, bases and boarders should of beeen under lock down. Right now there is so much confusion with this deal. Republicans, Democrats, and even left wing groups are against it. Even more confusing is there is now reports that Bill Clinton has been going over there and being paid to coach them on how to successfully get the deal completed while Hillary is over here condemning Pres. Bush for permitting it! As much as I don't like the port deal (I don't like any deal where a foreign country buys a part ofAmerica) it is still our security forces watching and patrolling it and it is currently foreign owned . And don't you think with our boarders so open and Detroit home to an Arab population of an estimated 300,000 that they don't need this port to attack us if they wanted to?
As far as the Left and Democrats are concerned they are so hypocritical. They have been adamant about shutting down Guantánamo Bay, against this war in Iraq, protesting against anything relating to the war on terror and President Bush but then suddenly an Arab country wants to buy a port and now they are the great protectors! There is FAR GREATER issues facing this nation. Do you realize that America is close to entirely losing all production of American made cars and that there is foreign owned factories here in America? Did you know that the Indiana Turnpike is about to or was sold to a foreign country - YES the Indiana Turnpike!... a HIGHWAY!! Or what about the systematic removal of ALL signs of religion or God from public places, isn't that a sign of communism? What about the camera's appearing all over on our streets? These are just a few of the MAJOR issues facing America, don't worry about the ports, worry about whats going on inland!
Carey K. Masci
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Radical Islam
Here's my take on a few major issues facing theUS and the world. Radical Islam
Did anyone see the news clip of the Palestinians dragging and burning the flag of Denmark? Where did they get a flag of that country?
In the US where there are many nationalities living you can find flags from different countries. I know where I can easily get my hands on an Italian flag, Cleveland has many Italian neighborhoods, same with the Irish flag, there are bars and gift shops that cater to the Irish, just as easily obtainable is theMexican and Canadian flag to name a few more and there is others. BUT where would I start my search to find one of Denmark? Even in the good ole US and living near a major city I would be stumped. So how did the poverty stricken people of Palestine get them?
Obviously this fervor and riots are being fueled bythe leadership or outside sources. But whom? Whoever it is though one fact remains, these riots should dispel any argument against stopping radical Islam because anyone who opposes or doesn't believe like them is a infidel and needs to be eliminated.
One more thought
Where is the Liberal & Hollywood crowds support and defense of Denmark's right to freedom of the press and speech for printing that cartoon? And where is their outcry against radical Islam? Seems like those groups only speak out when a Conservative says something they don't believe in.
Weapons of mass destruction
Do we really know if Iraq had WMD's? All we haveto go to on is what the media says and writes. But being an arm chair politician it seems clear to me that they did and the weapons and/or technology is safely out of the country long ago.
There is an old saying an enemy of my enemy is my friend? Well it wouldn't surprise me with all the delays President Bush was hampered with that it gave Iraq the time to send those weapons to Syria or even Iran. Furthermore, it seems most of the insurgence in Iraq has to come from outside the country. Iran knows the more they cause havoc and unrest in Iraq, the more time it gives them to develop nukes and also less chance of President Bush being in office to go after them.
Just my theory but it makes sense.
The Holocaust didn't happen?
There is always some nut case trying to say the Holocaust didn't happen, usually from a Neo-Nazigroup. Now Iran's leader is saying it and that allvJews should be sent back to Europe.
If that kind of talk doesn't infuriate you and makeyou want to back what President Bush is trying to accomplish then you really are clueless as to what is at stake and the consequences if we withdraw from that region.
Even more alarming than those words is Iran pursuing nuclear power. All of America better wakeup, show unity and support the war effort before things escalate even further.
Carey K. Masci
Here's my take on a few major issues facing theUS and the world. Radical Islam
Did anyone see the news clip of the Palestinians dragging and burning the flag of Denmark? Where did they get a flag of that country?
In the US where there are many nationalities living you can find flags from different countries. I know where I can easily get my hands on an Italian flag, Cleveland has many Italian neighborhoods, same with the Irish flag, there are bars and gift shops that cater to the Irish, just as easily obtainable is theMexican and Canadian flag to name a few more and there is others. BUT where would I start my search to find one of Denmark? Even in the good ole US and living near a major city I would be stumped. So how did the poverty stricken people of Palestine get them?
Obviously this fervor and riots are being fueled bythe leadership or outside sources. But whom? Whoever it is though one fact remains, these riots should dispel any argument against stopping radical Islam because anyone who opposes or doesn't believe like them is a infidel and needs to be eliminated.
One more thought
Where is the Liberal & Hollywood crowds support and defense of Denmark's right to freedom of the press and speech for printing that cartoon? And where is their outcry against radical Islam? Seems like those groups only speak out when a Conservative says something they don't believe in.
Weapons of mass destruction
Do we really know if Iraq had WMD's? All we haveto go to on is what the media says and writes. But being an arm chair politician it seems clear to me that they did and the weapons and/or technology is safely out of the country long ago.
There is an old saying an enemy of my enemy is my friend? Well it wouldn't surprise me with all the delays President Bush was hampered with that it gave Iraq the time to send those weapons to Syria or even Iran. Furthermore, it seems most of the insurgence in Iraq has to come from outside the country. Iran knows the more they cause havoc and unrest in Iraq, the more time it gives them to develop nukes and also less chance of President Bush being in office to go after them.
Just my theory but it makes sense.
The Holocaust didn't happen?
There is always some nut case trying to say the Holocaust didn't happen, usually from a Neo-Nazigroup. Now Iran's leader is saying it and that allvJews should be sent back to Europe.
If that kind of talk doesn't infuriate you and makeyou want to back what President Bush is trying to accomplish then you really are clueless as to what is at stake and the consequences if we withdraw from that region.
Even more alarming than those words is Iran pursuing nuclear power. All of America better wakeup, show unity and support the war effort before things escalate even further.
Carey K. Masci
Monday, February 13, 2006
Industrial states turn to Democrats while GOP reigns in Ohio
Associated Press
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Twelve years after the GOP reigned in five industrial, mainly Midwestern states, only Ohio is still governed by a Republican.
Democrats lead Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin but have been shut out in Ohio since Richard Celeste left office in 1991. Geography, finances and political farm systems have played a role.
This year's race for Ohio governor is open for the first time since 1998. It is vying for voters' attention with state and national ethics scandals two years after the Republican stronghold returned President Bush to the White House.
Ohio stayed under a GOP administration mostly for two reasons, said Paul Beck, a political scientist at Ohio State University. While far from prosperous, the state's economy was in better shape four years ago than many industrial states, especially Michigan, and the Democratic parties in the other states are better organized than Ohio's, he said.
All five states had Republican governors in 1994. All have heavy manufacturing interests but also are highly dependent on agriculture.
The states' geography plays a factor in elections. While its Midwestern and Eastern neighbors have one or two big cities, Ohio has six of more than 100,000 people. Surrounding them are hundreds of suburbs rich in Republican votes. So are the state's 29 Appalachian counties, where voters give weight to issues such as gun rights and abortion.
In the last open race for governor, Republican Bob Taft beat Democrat Lee Fisher in all but nine of the counties. Taft won the election statewide by 5 percentage points.
Democrats have hung onto the big cities - the five largest have Democratic mayors - but that base is dwindling as suburban migration continues.
Money also had something to do with the 2002 results in governors' races. Ohio Democrat Tim Hagan raised $1.2 million, about one-tenth of the amount raised by Taft, who was easily re-elected. Taft cannot run again this year because of term limits.
Compare that with the $7.5 million that Democrat Jennifer Granholm raised on her way to being elected Michigan governor or the $42.6 million of Pennsylvania Democrat Ed Rendell.
Granholm was snubbed by Michigan's organized labor establishment in the 2002 primary, but that support was key to her victory over Republican Dick Posthumous, said William Rustem, president of the nonpartisan Public Sector Consultants, based in Lansing, Mich.
"Their numbers are diminishing, but when it comes to electing Democrats, they still have a significant role to play," Rustem said of labor.
Ohio's union establishment, meanwhile, has not had much success outside of helping deliver the state to President Clinton twice. In between was the campaign of former state Sen. Rob Burch, a union-backed Democrat who lost to Republican Gov. George Voinovich by 1.5 million votes in 1994.
Ohio also lacks the Democratic farm system that helped get the other four governors known and elected. Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle and Granholm were state attorneys general while Rendell and Illinois Gov. Rod Blajogevic, a former Chicago congressman, came from big-city bases.
No Democrat has been elected statewide in Ohio since 1990.
All four of the Democratic governors hold strong leads in polls this year matching them against Republican challengers, but the GOP tickets in those states are still evolving.
Ohio Democrats acknowledge the past blunders but believe this year they have much of what they lacked in 2002, said Brian Rothenberg, spokesman for the Ohio Democratic Party. They have registered more voters and have more field leaders and better technology, and the help from outside organizations that made the 2004 presidential race close in Ohio want another shot in 2008, he said.
"We lost the presidential election in Ohio, but it put us on the political map. It's become a year-round political culture around Ohio," Rothenberg said "They know if you're going to win in 2008, you have to win in 2006."
Democrats see opportunity in the GOP's ethics troubles. Gov. Bob Taft's administration has been caught up for the past year in an investment scandal at the state's injured-worker insurance program. Losses so far have been pegged at $300 million.
In an ethics case, Taft also became the first Ohio governor to be convicted of a crime while in office. Longtime U.S. Rep. Bob Ney is being investigated in the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal.
"There's an awful lot of good movement here toward the Democratic Party," former U.S. Sen. John Edwards, the 2004 vice presidential nominee, said at a recent fundraiser for the state party. "The record of this governor and the problems of this administration are going to be a great launching pad."
After four stinging defeats for governor, most Ohio Democrats are embracing U.S. Rep. Ted Strickland in the May 2 primary. He has raised $3 million, 10 times more than his nearest competitor, state Sen. Eric Fingerhut, who entered the race in January.
The winner will face one of two veteran Republican statewide officeholders: Auditor Jim Petro or Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell. Should Strickland - who picked the more liberal Fisher as his running mate - emerge as the Democratic nominee, he would give the Democrats their best chance in 20 years to win the November election, Beck said.
"He has positioned himself as more of a centrist. There are a lot of issues where he does not take a traditional Democratic position and he's balanced the ticket. He's doing a lot of the things a Democrat needs to do to run a strong race," Beck said.
What may be standing in Ohio Democrats' way is the GOP's superb organization, headed by state party Chairman Robert Bennett, who has held the job since 1988, said Melanie Blumberg, a political science professor at California (Pa.) University.
Republicans acknowledge borrowing Democrats' tactics to get out the vote. However, while Democrats rely on outside forces such as unions for help, the Republicans do it within their own ranks.
"The Republicans keep beating the Democrats at their own game," Blumberg said.
Associated Press
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Twelve years after the GOP reigned in five industrial, mainly Midwestern states, only Ohio is still governed by a Republican.
Democrats lead Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin but have been shut out in Ohio since Richard Celeste left office in 1991. Geography, finances and political farm systems have played a role.
This year's race for Ohio governor is open for the first time since 1998. It is vying for voters' attention with state and national ethics scandals two years after the Republican stronghold returned President Bush to the White House.
Ohio stayed under a GOP administration mostly for two reasons, said Paul Beck, a political scientist at Ohio State University. While far from prosperous, the state's economy was in better shape four years ago than many industrial states, especially Michigan, and the Democratic parties in the other states are better organized than Ohio's, he said.
All five states had Republican governors in 1994. All have heavy manufacturing interests but also are highly dependent on agriculture.
The states' geography plays a factor in elections. While its Midwestern and Eastern neighbors have one or two big cities, Ohio has six of more than 100,000 people. Surrounding them are hundreds of suburbs rich in Republican votes. So are the state's 29 Appalachian counties, where voters give weight to issues such as gun rights and abortion.
In the last open race for governor, Republican Bob Taft beat Democrat Lee Fisher in all but nine of the counties. Taft won the election statewide by 5 percentage points.
Democrats have hung onto the big cities - the five largest have Democratic mayors - but that base is dwindling as suburban migration continues.
Money also had something to do with the 2002 results in governors' races. Ohio Democrat Tim Hagan raised $1.2 million, about one-tenth of the amount raised by Taft, who was easily re-elected. Taft cannot run again this year because of term limits.
Compare that with the $7.5 million that Democrat Jennifer Granholm raised on her way to being elected Michigan governor or the $42.6 million of Pennsylvania Democrat Ed Rendell.
Granholm was snubbed by Michigan's organized labor establishment in the 2002 primary, but that support was key to her victory over Republican Dick Posthumous, said William Rustem, president of the nonpartisan Public Sector Consultants, based in Lansing, Mich.
"Their numbers are diminishing, but when it comes to electing Democrats, they still have a significant role to play," Rustem said of labor.
Ohio's union establishment, meanwhile, has not had much success outside of helping deliver the state to President Clinton twice. In between was the campaign of former state Sen. Rob Burch, a union-backed Democrat who lost to Republican Gov. George Voinovich by 1.5 million votes in 1994.
Ohio also lacks the Democratic farm system that helped get the other four governors known and elected. Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle and Granholm were state attorneys general while Rendell and Illinois Gov. Rod Blajogevic, a former Chicago congressman, came from big-city bases.
No Democrat has been elected statewide in Ohio since 1990.
All four of the Democratic governors hold strong leads in polls this year matching them against Republican challengers, but the GOP tickets in those states are still evolving.
Ohio Democrats acknowledge the past blunders but believe this year they have much of what they lacked in 2002, said Brian Rothenberg, spokesman for the Ohio Democratic Party. They have registered more voters and have more field leaders and better technology, and the help from outside organizations that made the 2004 presidential race close in Ohio want another shot in 2008, he said.
"We lost the presidential election in Ohio, but it put us on the political map. It's become a year-round political culture around Ohio," Rothenberg said "They know if you're going to win in 2008, you have to win in 2006."
Democrats see opportunity in the GOP's ethics troubles. Gov. Bob Taft's administration has been caught up for the past year in an investment scandal at the state's injured-worker insurance program. Losses so far have been pegged at $300 million.
In an ethics case, Taft also became the first Ohio governor to be convicted of a crime while in office. Longtime U.S. Rep. Bob Ney is being investigated in the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal.
"There's an awful lot of good movement here toward the Democratic Party," former U.S. Sen. John Edwards, the 2004 vice presidential nominee, said at a recent fundraiser for the state party. "The record of this governor and the problems of this administration are going to be a great launching pad."
After four stinging defeats for governor, most Ohio Democrats are embracing U.S. Rep. Ted Strickland in the May 2 primary. He has raised $3 million, 10 times more than his nearest competitor, state Sen. Eric Fingerhut, who entered the race in January.
The winner will face one of two veteran Republican statewide officeholders: Auditor Jim Petro or Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell. Should Strickland - who picked the more liberal Fisher as his running mate - emerge as the Democratic nominee, he would give the Democrats their best chance in 20 years to win the November election, Beck said.
"He has positioned himself as more of a centrist. There are a lot of issues where he does not take a traditional Democratic position and he's balanced the ticket. He's doing a lot of the things a Democrat needs to do to run a strong race," Beck said.
What may be standing in Ohio Democrats' way is the GOP's superb organization, headed by state party Chairman Robert Bennett, who has held the job since 1988, said Melanie Blumberg, a political science professor at California (Pa.) University.
Republicans acknowledge borrowing Democrats' tactics to get out the vote. However, while Democrats rely on outside forces such as unions for help, the Republicans do it within their own ranks.
"The Republicans keep beating the Democrats at their own game," Blumberg said.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Thoughts on the State of the Union Address...
For a person who is suppose to stumble on words and not be able to deliver a speech properly I thought President Bush did an admirable job of relaying his message. Unlike Clinton, whom when ever he spoke you never knew if he was lying or trying to cover up another scandal, this president is very believable and isn't afraid to say what he is thinking. Just as in a previous State of the Union Address when he came right out and named Korea, Iraq, and Iran as the Axis of Evil, President Bush once again defined our battle against terrorism and gave certain rogue nations and terrorists a stern warning. He also said "...we will never surrender to evil" which is really what this war is all about, radical Islam and terrorism. Whether you agree with this war or not President Bush is doing the right thing. For YEARS there has been trouble in the middle east and recently is has spread to our shores. Establishing democracy in Iraq and hoping that they make the right choices is the best chance for peace in the region and ultimately the world.
He also talked about other issues but the other one that caught my attention is when he spoke about the Advanced Energy Initiative which debunks the theory from the far left that Republicans are anti-environment. So much for that theory.
In summary excellent speech one that made me feel proud to be an American!
As for the rebuttal by Tim Kaine Democrat Governor of Virginia it was ridiculous. I came away watching it shaking my head. How many times did he say "there is a better way"? What way? It is so reminiscent of John Kerry's "I have a plan". Really? What? It seems when the opposition has little substance they throw out a phrase or word that they keep repeating in hopes of it eventually getting in you psyche. I am sure that there is people who listened intently to this rebuttal and if asked what they think of the job President Bush is doing, they will reply "there is a better way". You have to guard yourself against empty rhetoric.
Lastly, old news but....
Hats off to Canada for electing a conservative government. Our Northern Neighbors have also woken up to the nonsense of the liberals.
Congratulations on the victory!
God Bless America and May the Conservative Movement Continue Onward
Submitted by: Carey Masci
He also talked about other issues but the other one that caught my attention is when he spoke about the Advanced Energy Initiative which debunks the theory from the far left that Republicans are anti-environment. So much for that theory.
In summary excellent speech one that made me feel proud to be an American!
As for the rebuttal by Tim Kaine Democrat Governor of Virginia it was ridiculous. I came away watching it shaking my head. How many times did he say "there is a better way"? What way? It is so reminiscent of John Kerry's "I have a plan". Really? What? It seems when the opposition has little substance they throw out a phrase or word that they keep repeating in hopes of it eventually getting in you psyche. I am sure that there is people who listened intently to this rebuttal and if asked what they think of the job President Bush is doing, they will reply "there is a better way". You have to guard yourself against empty rhetoric.
Lastly, old news but....
Hats off to Canada for electing a conservative government. Our Northern Neighbors have also woken up to the nonsense of the liberals.
Congratulations on the victory!
God Bless America and May the Conservative Movement Continue Onward
Submitted by: Carey Masci
Friday, February 03, 2006
Connect the Dots - Letter from Ken Mehlman
The President's most solemn duty under our Constitution is to protect the American people. In the four years since we were attacked, this President has made a commitment to take this war directly to the enemy, and to use all the tools at his disposal to keep America safe. A critical element in this strategy is the terrorist surveillance program that the President authorized shortly after September 11th.
This week, President Bush discussed this vital program in remarks at Kansas State University and the National Security Agency. The President's remarks addressed the critics and debunked the falsehoods and distortions. The terrorist surveillance program monitors al Qaeda terrorists and affiliates making phone calls into or from the United States - precisely the type of communication that preceded the 9/11 attacks. This is not "domestic spying" on ordinary Americans arranging Little League practices or pot luck dinners. It's a tool that even FDR used in fighting World War II.
With Democrats deliberately distorting the truth about these efforts to stop attacks before they occur, will you help separate fact from fiction by writing a letter to the editor, calling talk radio, or calling your elected officals about this vital program?
After September 11th, we heard so often that our government failed to connect the dots. So, the President signed the Patriot Act, which had been passed overwhelmingly by Congress. He took appropriate action to connect the dots. He reformed the government bureaucracy, enabling it to fight a different kind of war.
Now, the Patriot Act is up for renewal. How do Democrats respond? They play politics, brag about "killing" the Patriot Act (video here), and accuse the President of breaking the law and violating civil rights. These are not the actions of a party that can be trusted to safeguard our national security.
The President is committed to fighting this war and will not let our nation let its guard down. Take action now and let your fellow Americans know that you won't either.
Sincerely, Ken Mehlman
Chairman, Republican National Committee
This week, President Bush discussed this vital program in remarks at Kansas State University and the National Security Agency. The President's remarks addressed the critics and debunked the falsehoods and distortions. The terrorist surveillance program monitors al Qaeda terrorists and affiliates making phone calls into or from the United States - precisely the type of communication that preceded the 9/11 attacks. This is not "domestic spying" on ordinary Americans arranging Little League practices or pot luck dinners. It's a tool that even FDR used in fighting World War II.
With Democrats deliberately distorting the truth about these efforts to stop attacks before they occur, will you help separate fact from fiction by writing a letter to the editor, calling talk radio, or calling your elected officals about this vital program?
After September 11th, we heard so often that our government failed to connect the dots. So, the President signed the Patriot Act, which had been passed overwhelmingly by Congress. He took appropriate action to connect the dots. He reformed the government bureaucracy, enabling it to fight a different kind of war.
Now, the Patriot Act is up for renewal. How do Democrats respond? They play politics, brag about "killing" the Patriot Act (video here), and accuse the President of breaking the law and violating civil rights. These are not the actions of a party that can be trusted to safeguard our national security.
The President is committed to fighting this war and will not let our nation let its guard down. Take action now and let your fellow Americans know that you won't either.
Sincerely, Ken Mehlman
Chairman, Republican National Committee
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
The President's State of the Union Address

January 31, 2006
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Mr. Speaker, Vice President Cheney, members of Congress, distinguished guests, fellow citizens: As we gather tonight, our nation is at war, our economy is in recession, and the civilized world faces unprecedented dangers. Yet the state of our Union has never been stronger. (Applause.)
We last met in an hour of shock and suffering. In four short months, our nation has comforted the victims, begun to rebuild New York and the Pentagon, rallied a great coalition, captured, arrested, and rid the world of thousands of terrorists, destroyed Afghanistan's terrorist training camps, saved a people from starvation, and freed a country from brutal oppression. (Applause.)
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